Partnership Agreement Template for Startup

Starting a new business venture is an exciting and challenging journey. One of the critical steps in starting a business is crafting a partnership agreement. A partnership agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership between two or more individuals. The agreement acts as a roadmap for the partners, detailing their roles, responsibilities, and expectations from each other.

Whether you`re starting a new business or taking over an existing one, having a partnership agreement is essential. A well-drafted agreement ensures that all parties involved are on the same page and helps to prevent future conflicts. Furthermore, it helps to protect the interests and investments of each partner.

If you`re starting a new business venture and need help drafting a partnership agreement, you`re in the right place. Here is a partnership agreement template for startups to guide you through the process.

1. Introduction

The introduction section of the agreement should contain the following details:

i) The date of the agreement`s creation

ii) The names of all the parties involved

iii) The name of the business venture

iv) The purpose of the partnership

v) The address of the business

2. Ownership Percentage

This section outlines the ownership percentage of each partner in the business. It includes details such as the amount of capital each partner contributes, the percentage of ownership, and how profits and losses will be shared.

3. Roles and Responsibilities

This section outlines the roles and responsibilities of each partner in the business. It includes details such as each partner`s duties, expectations, and obligations towards the business.

4. Decision Making

This section outlines how decisions will be made within the partnership. It includes details such as who will make the final decisions, the criteria for making these decisions, and how to resolve disputes.

5. Capital Contributions

This section outlines each partner`s financial contribution to the business. It includes details such as the amount of capital each partner will contribute, how and when these contributions will be made, and the consequences of failing to make the contributions.

6. Financial Management

This section outlines how the finances of the business will be managed. It includes details such as who will be responsible for bookkeeping, accounting, and financial reporting.

7. Dissolution

This section outlines how the partnership will be dissolved if necessary. It includes details such as how the assets of the business will be divided, how debts and liabilities will be handled, and the process for terminating the partnership.


A partnership agreement is a crucial document for any startup. It sets the tone for the business relationship and helps to prevent future conflicts. By using this partnership agreement template for startups, you can ensure that your partnership is built on a solid foundation. Remember, before finalizing the agreement, seek legal advice to ensure that your interests are protected.

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